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Our hospital’s clinics of prosthetic dental treatment are ready to assist you with its experienced staff and cutting edge equipment in your treatments requiring high level expertise. Apart from implants and fixed or removable prosthesis supported by teeth, we also install jaw prosthesis and carry out treatments of temporomandibular joint. We also use computer technology in prosthetic treatments. Thanks to a digital technology called CAD-CAM (computer based design and production) we can quickly carry out a host of chairside treatments involving ceramic fillings, lamina, coating and bridges. In CAD-CAM applications the image of the tooth is relayed on to the computer screen via camera without any need for measurement. Surgeon designs the restoration on the computer. Depending on the chosen material, patterns are milled in accordance with the design. Thus, aesthetical restorations that are compatible with the tissues are quickly prepared chairside.

What is prosthesis? Who is a prosthodontist?

The whole of all paraphernalia that are designed to replace a lost part of the body is called prosthesis. In dentistry the artificial items that are designed using the appropriate material to make up for the missing part in a tooth or to replace one or more lost teeth in order to restore the former efficacy, comfort, health and physical appearance are called dental prosthesis.

Prosthodontics (expertise in prosthetic dental treatment) is the field of dentistry which aims to compensate for the loss of tissue sustained in the event of an illness or accident and to offset the damage inflicted on the speech, physical appearance and functionality. Prosthodontics achieves this through the use of mouth and/or facial prosthesis. People who specialize in this field are prosthodontists.