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Dentomaxillofacial Radiology

Dentomaxillofacial Radiology

The Department of Maxillofacial Radiology also includes Oral Diagnosis and Radiology.

Initial Examination and Treatment Planning (Oral Diagnosis)

The patients who refer to the Education and Training Hospital of Okan University Faculty of Dentistry will have a general intra-oral examination. During this initial examination:

  • The patient’s health status will be inquired with regard to the medical and dental history of the patient. If the patient has any health problems that can affect the dental treatment, necessary precautions will be taken and if needed, appropriate redirection will be made or medical consultation will be requested.
  • The required radiographic examinations of the patient will be performed.
  • If needed, the patient will be directed to the medical laboratory examination.

Considering the extra-oral and intra-oral and radiographic findings and the results of all examinations, the treatment will be planned for the patient accordingly. By means of treatment planning, the treatment schedule of the patient in each branch of dentistry will be cleared and the clinical organization will be provided. Treatment planning may include more than one option. This department also deals with the non-surgical treatment of oral diseases or the oral symptoms of systemic diseases.


Radiological examination is the essential part of treatment planning at dentistry. Almost all patients who apply for dental treatment need radiological examinations, and those which are considered necessary by our academicians will be carried out at our Radiology Unit.

Radiological examinations provided in the Radiology Unit of our Hospital include:

  • Intra-oral digital radiography (RVG) and PSP
  • Panoramic radiography
  • Cephalometric radiography
  • Hand-wrist radiography
  • Other extra-oral radiographies
  • Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT)

If magnetic resonance imaging (MRİ), ultrasonography, scintigraphy and PET examinations are required, our patients will be directed to medical radiology clinics.