Prof. Dr. Gonca Mumcu 1993 yılında Marmara Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi’nden mezun olmuştur. 1999 yılında Marmara Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Oral Diagnoz ve Radyoloji Anabilim Dalında doktorasını tamamlayıp, 2007 yılında Oral Diagnoz ve Radyoloji Anabilim Dalında Doçentliğini almıştır. 2024 yılında İstanbul Okan Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Ağız, Diş ve Çene Radyolojisi Anabilim Dalında Profesörlük unvanını almıştır.
2024 yılı Haziran ayı itibariyle İstanbul Okan Üniversitesi Diş Hastanesi Ağız, Diş ve Çene Radyolojisi bölümünde hasta kabulüne başlamıştır.
Lisans: Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, Marmara Üniversitesi, Istanbul, 1993
Doktora: Oral Diagnoz ve Radyoloji Anabilim Dalı, Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, Marmara Üniversitesi, 1999
Doçent: Oral Diagnoz ve Radyoloji Anabilim Dalı, Yüksek Öğretim Kurumu, 2007
Profesör: Ağız, Diş ve Çene Radyolojisi Anabilim Dalı, Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, İstanbul Okan Üniversitesi, 2024-
Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi, Marmara Üniversitesi İstanbul, 2014-2024
Misafir Öğretim Üyesi, “Research Center for Clinical and Diagnostic Oral Sciences, University of London Queen Mary’s School of Medicine and Dentistry, London, UK, 2004
European Association of Oral Medicine Bölge 5 Temsilcisi ve Board Üyesi (Türkiye, Arnavutluk, Bosna Hersek, Bulgaristan, Hırvatistan, Kıbrıs, Yunanistan, İsrail, Romanya, Rusya, Sırbistan, Slovenya, Ukrayna Representative) olarak Board Üyeliği, 2023-2025
Diğer Eğitimler
Akreditasyon Eğitimi-Online ASIIN (The Accredatation Agency for Study Pragrammes in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Mathematics),
8-9 Mart 2021,
Uzaktan Eğitim Yetkinlikleri Sertifikası-Online Eğitim
Bilimsel Araştırma ve Etik;
Türk Biyoetik Derneği, Istanbul,
5-6 Ocak 2018
Veri Madenciliği-Online Eğitim
ODTÜ, Ankara,
Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri
Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, İstanbul Institute,
28 Ocak-5 Mart 2017
Sağlık Bilgi Sistemleri-Online Eğitim,
ODTÜ, Ankara,
Diş Hekimliği Hizmetleri ve Yönetim;
Istanbul Üniversitesi, Istanbul, 10-11.10 2009
Diş Hekimliği Hizmetleri ve Finans;
Istanbul Üniversitesi, Istanbul,
Sağlık Yönetimi;
Marmara Üniversitesi, Istanbul,
Bilgisayar İşletmenliği Eğitimi, 1996
Mesleki Dernek Üyeliği:
European Association of Oral Medicine
Diş Hekimliği Eğitimi Programları Akreditasyon Derneği, Standartları Belirleme ve Geliştirme Komisyon Üyeliği (2021-)
International Society for Behçet’s Disease
Çalışma Grubu Üyesi: Oral and Genital Mukosa Hastalığı
Araştırma Alanları
Behçet Hastalığı, Sjögren Sendromu,
Tükürük İmmunitesi, Hasta kaynaklı Çıktıların Ölçümü
Sağlık Bilişimi, Sağlık Teknolojileri Yönetimi
Yabancı Dil
Uluslararası Yayınlar: SCI-E
Yenissoy Y, Altıngöz EN, Kapusuz A, Abacar K, Tatlı I, Türe-Özdemir F, Karacaylı U, Yay M, Direskeneli H, Fortune F, Inanc N, Mumcu G. A cross-sectional study on activity impairment in primary Sjogren's syndrome. Oral Dis. 2024 May;30(4):2234-2244
Inanc N, Jousse-Joulin S, Abacar K, Cimşit Ç, Cimşit C, D'Agostino MA, Naredo E, Hocevar A, Finzel S, Pineda C, Keen H, Iagnocco A, Hanova P, Schmidt WA, Mumcu G, Terslev L, Bruyn GA. The Novel OMERACT Ultrasound Scoring System for Salivary Gland Changes in Patients With Sjögren Syndrome Is Associated With MRI and Salivary Flow Rates. J Rheumatol. 2024 Mar 1;51(3):263-269.
Çandereli ZÖ, Arslan T, Özdamar Ö, Yay M, Karaçaylı U, Şişman-Kitapçı N, Adesanya A, Aksoy A, Belem J M F M, Taş MN, Cardin NB, Sacoor S, Gokani B, Armağan B, Sarı A, Bozca BC, Tekgöz E, Desai P, Karadağ DT, Badak SÖ, Tecer D, Bibi A, Yıldırım A, Bes C, Şahin A, Erken E, Cefle A, Çınar M, Yılmaz S, Alpsoy E, Boyvat A, Şenel S, Bilge SY, Kaşifoğlu T, Karadağ Ö, Aksu K, Keser G, Alibaz-Öner F, İnanç N, Ergun T, Madanat W, Silva de Souza AW, Direskeneli H, Fortune F, Mumcu G. Does Decision Tree Analysis Predict Oral Ulcer Activity-Related Factors in Patients with Behçet Syndrome? Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2023 Oct;41(10):2078-2086.
Poveda-Gallego A, Chapple I, Iacucci M, Hamburger J, Murray PI, Rauz S, Wallace GR; Behçet's Disease Expert Panel. How to recognise a Behçet's ulcer from other types of oral ulceration? Defining Behçet's ulceration by an International Delphi Consultation. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2023 Oct;41(10):2048-2055.
Altıngöz EN, Yenisoy Y, Kapusuz A, Abacar K, Şişman-Kitapçı N, Yay M, Karacaylı U, Alibaz-Öner F, İnanç N, Ergun T, Fortune F, Direskeneli H, Mumcu G. The mediator role of treatment response on oral health related quality of life in Behçet's syndrome. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2023 Dec 27;29(3):e350-5.
Fragoulis GE, Bertsias G, Bodaghi B, Gul A, van Laar J, Mumcu G, Saadoun D, Tugal-Tutkun I, Hatemi G, Sfikakis PP. Treat to target in Behcet's disease: Should we follow the paradigm of other systemic rheumatic diseases? Clin Immunol. 2023 Jan;246:109186. doi: 10.1016/j.clim.2022.109186
Fortune F, John Mather J, Sisman-Kitapci N, Gokani BSenusi A, Mumcu G. The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on patients with Behçet’s Syndrome within the framework of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: Implications for Patients Empowerment in National or Global Emergencies. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2023 Mar 2. doi: 10.55563/clinexprheumatol/jx0k87
Arslan T, Çandereli ZÖ, Kitapçi OC, Kitapçi NŞ, Kiliç Aksu P, Köksal L, Özdamar EÖ, Yay M, Ecevit Alpar Ş, Mumcu G. Do Patient Experiences Have Mediating Roles on Patient Loyalty? J Patient Exp. 2022 May 26;9:23743735221103027 (E-Collection).
Karacayli U, Adesanya A, Aksoy A, Belem JMFM, Cardin NB, Sarı FB, Beyhan TE, Çelik Z, Karacayli C, Alibaz-Öner F, Inanç N, Ergun T, Yay M, Madanat W, Silva de Souza AW, Fortune F, Direskeneli H, Mumcu G. The assessment of presenteeism and activity impairment in Behçet's syndrome and recurrent aphthous stomatitis: a multicentre study. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2022:11;61(4):1538-1547.
Abacar KY, Aydin-Tatli I, Çolakoğlu Ş, Inanc N, Mumcu G, Atagündüz P. Paraffin stimulation might not be necessary for the collection of saliva: effect on the rate and cellular distribution in primary Sjögren's syndrome. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2022 Oct 24
Mumcu G, Fortune F. Oral Health and Its Aetiological Role in Behçet's Disease. Front Med (Lausanne). 2021 May 20;8:613419. E-Collection
Inanc N, Mumcu G, Can M, Yay M, Silbereisen A, Manoil D, Direskeneli H, Bostanci N. Elevated serum TREM-1 is associated with periodontitis and disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis. Sci Rep. 2021 Feb 3;11(1):2888
Alibaz-Oner F, Ergelen R, Yıldız Y, Aldag M, Yazici A, Cefle A, Koç E, Artım Esen B, Mumcu G, Ergun T, Direskeneli H. Femoral vein wall thickness measurement: A new diagnostic tool for Behçet's disease. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2021 Jan 5;60(1):288-296
Manoil D, Bostanci N, Mumcu G, Inanc N, Can M, Direskeneli H, Belibasakis GN. Novel and known periodontal pathogens residing in gingival crevicular fluid are associated with rheumatoid arthritis. J Periodontol 2021;92(3):359-370.
Erdal S, Nalbantoğlu B, Gür MB, Yıldırım M, Kılıçarslan A, Kaymaz-Tahra S, Alibaz-Öner F, Yay M, Mumcu G, Direskeneli H. HADS-depression score is a mediator for illness perception and daily life impairment in Takayasu's arteritis. Clin Rheumatol. 2021;40(10):4109-4116.
Hatemi G, Meara A, Ozguler Y, Direskeneli H, Mahr A, Shea B, Cam E, Gul A, Yazici Y, Tugwell P, Yazici H, Merkel PA; OMERACT Behçet Syndrome Working Group. The OMERACT Core Set of Domains for Outcome Measures in Behçet Syndrome. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2020;17. doi: 10.1002/acr.24511
Mumcu G, Yay M, Karaçaylı Ü, Aksoy A, Taş MN, Armağan B, Sarı A, Bozca BC, Tekgöz E, Temiz Karadağ D, Badak SÖ, Tecer D, Yıldırım A, Bes C, Şahin A, Erken E, Cefle A, Çınar M, Yılmaz S, Alpsoy E, Boyvat A, Şenel S, Bilge ŞY, Kaşifoğlu T, Karadağ Ö, Aksu K, Keser G, Alibaz-Öner F, İnanç N, Ergun T, Direskeneli H. Moderation analysis exploring associations between age and mucocutaneous activity in Behçet's syndrome: A multicenter study from Turkey. J Dermatol. 2020;47(12):1403-1410
Mumcu G, Yay M, Aksoy A, Taş MN, Armağan B, Sarı A, Bozca BC, Tekgöz E, Karadağ DT, Badak SÖ, Tecer D, Bes C, Şahin A, Erken E, Cefle A, Çınar M, Yılmaz S, Karaçaylı Ü, Alpsoy E, Şenel S, Yaşar Bilge Ş, Kaşifoğlu T, Karadağ Ö, Aksu K, Keser G, Alibaz-Öner F, İnanç N, Ergun T, Direskeneli H. Predictive factors for work-day loss in Behçet's syndrome: A multi-center study. Int J Rheum Dis. 2020 Feb;23(2):240-246.
Mumcu G, Alibaz Öner F, Ergun SAT, Direskeneli RH. Incidence and severity of Behcet's Disease is decreasing: A changing trend in epidemiological spectrum possibly associated with oral health. Turk J Med Sci. 2020; 3;50(SI-2):1587-1590.
Şahinkaya Y, Mumcu G, Özdemir FT, Kuruş RE, Ünal AU, Direskeneli H, Bruyn GA, Inanc N. Are Salivary Gland Ultrasonography Scores Associated with Salivary Flow Rates and Oral Health Related Quality of Life in Sjögren's syndrome? J Rheumatol. 2020; 47(12):1774-1779.
Bilgic A, Aydin F, Sumer P, Keskiner I, Koc S, Bozkurt S, Mumcu G, Alpsoy E, Uzun S, Akman-Karakas A. Oral health related quality of life and disease severity in Autoimmune Bullous Diseases. Niger J Clin Pract. 2020 Feb;23(2):159-164
Mumcu G, Karacayli Ü, Yay M, Aksoy A, Taş MN, Armağan B, Sari A, Bozca BC, Tekgöz E, Karadağ DT, Badak SÖ, Tecer D, Bes C, Şahin A, Erken E, Cefle A, Çinar M, Yilmaz S, Alpsoy E, Şenel S, Bilge ŞY, Kaşifoğlu T, Karadağ Ö, Aksu K, Keser G, Alibaz-Öner F, Inanç N, Ergun T, Direskeneli H. Oral ulcer activity assessment with the composite index according to different treatment modalities in Behçet's syndrome: a multicentre study. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2019;37 Suppl 121(6):98-104.
Inanc N, Şahinkaya Y, Mumcu G, Türe Özdemir F, Paksoy A, Ertürk Z, Direskeneli H, Bruyn GA. Evaluation of salivary gland ultrasonography in primary Sjögren's syndrome: does it reflect clinical activity and outcome of the disease? Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2019;37 Suppl 118(3):140-145.
Alibaz-Oner F, Ergelen R, Mutis A, Erturk Z, Asadov R, Mumcu G, Ergun T, Direskeneli H. Venous vessel wall thickness in lower extremity is increased in male patients with Behcet's disease. Clin Rheumatol. 2019;38(5):1447-1451.
Mumcu G, Direskeneli H. Triggering agents and microbiome as environmental factors on Behçet's syndrome. Intern Emerg Med. 2019;14(5):653-660.
Mumcu G, Yağar F, Alibaz-Öner F, İnanc N, Direskeneli H, Ergun T. Does Illness Perception Associate with Disease Symptoms in Behçet's Disease? Intern Emerg Med. 2019;14(5):691-697
Yay M, Celik M, Aksoy A, Alibaz-Öner F, İnanç N, Ergun T, Direskeneli H, Mumcu G. Oral Health is a Mediator for Disease Severity in Patients with Behcet’s Disease: A Multiple Mediation Analysis Study. J Oral Rehabil. 2019;46(4):349-354.
Koray M, Atalay B, Akgul S, Oguz FS, Mumcu G, Saruhanoglu A. Relationship Between Salivary Calprotectin Levels And Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis: A Preliminary Study. Niger J Clin Pract. 2018;21(3):271-275.
Ilhan B, Can M, Alibaz-Oner F, Yilmaz-Oner S, Polat-Korkmaz O, Ozen G, Mumcu G, Maradit Kremers H, Direskeneli H. Fatigue in patients with Behcet's syndrome: relationship with quality of life, depression, anxiety, disability and disease activity. Int J Rheum Dis. 2018;21(12):2139-2145
Sreih AG, Alibaz-Oner F, Easley E, Davis T, Mumcu G, Milman N, Robson J, Direskeneli H, Merkel PA, Cronholm P. Health-related outcomes of importance to patients with Takayasu's arteritis. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2018;36 Suppl 111(2):51-57.
Kiykim A, Mumcu G, Ogulur I, Karakoc-Aydiner E, Direskeneli H, Baris S, Cagan H, Ozen A. Could Sublingual Immunotherapy Affect Oral Health in Children with Asthma and/or Allergic Rhinitis Sensitized to House Dust Mite. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 2017 27;174(1):52-56.
Mumcu G, Lehimci F, Fidan Ö, Gük H, Alpar U, Ünal AU, Erturk Z, Alibaz-Öner F, İnanç N, Ergun T, Direskeneli H. The assessment of work productivity and activity impairment in Behcet’s disease. Turkish J Medical Science 2017:18;47(2):535-541.
Deniz R, Tulunay-Virlan A, Ture Ozdemir F, Unal AU, Ozen G, Alibaz-Oner F, Aydin-Tatli I, Mumcu G, Ergun T, Direskeneli H. Th17-Inducing Conditions Lead to in vitro Activation of Both Th17 and Th1 Responses in Behcet's Disease. Immunol Invest. 2017;46(5):518-52.
Yilmaz-Oner S, Ilhan B, Can M, Alibaz-Oner F, Polat-Korkmaz O, Ozen G, Mumcu G, Kremers HM, Tuglular S, Direskeneli H. Fatigue in systemic lupus erythematosus : Association with disease activity, quality of life and psychosocial factors. Z Rheumatol. 2017;76(10):913-919.
Coit P, Mumcu G, Ture-Ozdemir F, Unal AU, Alpar U, Bostanci N, Ergun T, Direskeneli H, Sawalha AH. Sequencing of 16S rRNA reveals a distinct salivary microbiome signature in Behçet's disease. Clin Immunol. 2016; 169:28-35.
Hatemi G, Ozguler Y, Direskeneli H, Mahr A, Gul A, Levi V, Aydin SZ, Mumcu G, Sertel-Berk O, Stevens RM, Yazici H, Merkel PA. Current Status, Goals, And Research Agenda For Outcome Measures Development In Behçet’s Syndrome: Report From OMERACT 2014. J Rheumatol. 2015;42(12):2436-41.
Mumcu G, Inanc N, Taze A, Ergun T, Direskeneli H. A New Mucocutaneous Activity Index for Behçet Disease. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2014;32 Suppl 84(4):80-6.
Aydemir S, Cimilli H, Mumcu G, Chandler N, Kartal N. Crack formation on resected root surfaces subjected to conventional, ultrasonic, and laser root-end cavity preparation. Photomed Laser Surg 2014;32(6):351-5.
Alibaz-Oner F, Mumcu G, Kubilay Z, Ozen G, Celik G, Karadeniz A, Can M, Oner SY, Inanc N, Atagunduz P, Ergun T, Direskeneli H. Unmet need in Behcet's disease: most patients in routine follow-up continue to have oral ulcers. Clin Rheumatol 2014;33(12):1773-6.
Cimilli H, Aydemir S, Arican B, Mumcu G, Chandler N, Kartal N. Accuracy of the Dentaport ZX apex locator for working length determination when retreating molar root canals. Aust Endod J 2014;40(1):2-5.
Alibaz-Oner F, Can M, İlhan B, Polat Ö, Mumcu G, Direskeneli H. Presence of fibromyalgia in patients with Takayasu's arteritis. Intern Med 2013;52(24):2739-42.
Mumcu G, İnanc N, Türe-Özdemir F, Tulunay A, Ekşioğlu-Demiralp E, Ergun T, Direskeneli H. Effects of Azıthromycin on Intracellular Cytokine Responses and Mucocutaneous Manifestations in Behcet’s Disease. Int J Dermatol 2013;52(12):1561-6.
Sogur E, Onem E, Kalfa M, Emmungil H, Botancı N, Aksu K, Baksi BG, Keser G, Direskeneli H, Mumcu G. Oral health and oral quality of life in inactive patients with familial mediterranean fever without amyloidosis. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2013;31(3 Suppl 77):15-9
Mumcu G, Bıcakçıgil M, Yılmaz N, Ozay H, Karaçayli U, Cimilli H, Yavuz S. Salivary And Serum BAFF levels after hydroxychloroquine treatment in primary Sjogren Syndrome. Oral Preventive Dentistry 2013;11(3):229-34.
Yilmaz N, Can M, Oner FA, Kalfa M, Emmungil H, Karadag O, Yildiz F, Kimyon G, Yilmazer B, Gerdan V, Bilge SY, Ilhan B, Cobankara V, Kasifoglu T, Cefle A, Kisacik B, Onat AM, Akar S, Onen F, Erken E, Kiraz S, Aksu K, Keser G, Mumcu G, Direskeneli H. Impaired quality of life, disability and mental health in Takayasu's arteritis. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2013; 10:1898-904.
Ture-Ozdemir F, Tulunay A, Elbas MO, Tatlı İ, Maurer AM, Mumcu G, Direskeneli H, Ekşioğlu-Demiralp E. Pro-inflammatory cytokine and caspase-1 responses to pattern recognition receptor activation of neutrophils and dendritic cells in Behcet’s disease. Rheumatology 2013;52:800-5.
Cimilli H, Karaçaylı Ü, Şişman N, Kartal N, Mumcu G. Comparison of the oral health-related quality of life and dental pain in symptomatic irreversible pulpitis and pericorontis. Journal of Dental Sciences, 2012;7:250-260.
Mumcu G, Cimilli H, Karacayli U, Inanc N, Türe-Özdemir F, Eksioglu-Demiralp E, Ergun T, Direskeneli H. Salivary levels of HNP 1-3 are related to oral ulcer activity in Behçet's Disease. Int J Dermatol. 2013;52(10):1198-201.
Mumcu G, Cimilli H, Karacayli U, Inanc N, Ture-Ozdemir F, Eksioglu-Demiralp E, Ergun T, Direskeneli H. Salivary levels of antimicrobial peptides HNP 1-3, LL-37 and S100 in Behcet's Disease. Arch Oral Biol 2012;57(6):642-6.
Alajbeg I, Falcão DP, Tran SD, Martín-Granizo R, Lafaurie GI, Matranga D, Pejda S, Vuletić L, Mantilla R, Leal SC, Bezerra AC, Ménard HA, Kimoto S, Pan S, Maniegas L, Krushinski CA, Melilli D, Campisi G, Paderni C, Mendoza GR, Yepes JF, Lindh L, Koray M, Mumcu G, Elad S, Zeevi I, Barrios BC, López Sánchez RM, Lassauzay C, Fromentin O, Beiski BZ, Strietzel FP, Konttinen YT, Wolff A, Zunt SL. Intraoral Electrostimulator For Xerostomia Relief: A Long-Term, Multicenter, Open-Label, Uncontrolled, Clinical Trial. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 2012;113(6):773-81.
Strietzel FP, Lafaurie GI, Mendoza GR, Alajbeg I, Pejda S, Vuletić L, Mantilla R, Falcão DP, Leal SC, Bezerra AC, Tran SD, Ménard HA, Kimoto S, Pan S, Martín-Granizo RA, Lozano ML, Zunt SL, Krushinski CA, Melilli D, Campisi G, Paderni C, Dolce S, Yepes JF, Lindh L, Koray M, Mumcu G, Elad S, Zeevi I, Barrios BC, López Sánchez RM, Beiski BZ, Wolff A, Konttinen YT. Efficacy and Safety Of An Intraoral Electrostimulation Device For Xerostomia Relief: A Multicenter, Randomized Trial. Arthritis Rheum 2011;63(1):180-90.
Karacayli U, Mumcu G, Cimilli H, Sisman N, Sur H, Gunaydin Y. The Effects of Chronic Pain on Oral Health Related Quality Of Life in Patients with Anterior Disc Displacement with Reduction. Community Dent Health 2011;28(3):211-5.
Direskeneli H, Mumcu G. A possible decline in the incidence and severity of Behçet's disease: implications for an infectious etiology and oral health. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2010;28(4 Suppl 60):S86-90. Review.
Mumcu G, Sur H, Inanc N, Karacayli U, Cimilli H, Sisman N, Ergun T, Direskeneli H. A Composite index for determining the impact of oral ulcer activity in Behcet's disease and recurrent aphthous stomatitis. J Oral Pathol Med. 2009;38:785-91.
Hayran O, Mumcu G, Inanc N, Ergun T, Direskeneli H. Assessment of minimal clinically important improvement by using Oral Health Impact Profile-14 in Behcet’s Disease. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2009;27(Suppl 53):S79-84.
Mumcu G, Inanc N, Aydin SZ, Ergun T, Direskeneli H. Association of Salivary S.mutans Colonisation and Mannose-Binding Lectin Deficiency with Gender in Behcet’s disease. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2009;27(Suppl 53):S79-84.
Karacayli U, Mumcu G, Simsek I, Pay S, Kose O, Erdem H, Direskeneli H, Gunaydin Y, Dinc A. The close association between dental and periodontal treatments and oral ulcer course in Behcet’s Disease: A prospective clinical study. J Oral Pathol and Med J Oral Pathol Med 2009;38:410-5.
Mumcu G, Niazi S, Stewart J, Hagi-Pavli E, Gokani B, Seoudi N, Ergun T, Yavuz S, Stanford MR, Fortune F, Direskeneli H. Oral health and related quality of life status in patients from UK and Turkey: A Comparative Study in Behcet’s disease. J Oral Pathol Med 2009;38:406-9.
Mumcu G. Behçet’s disease: A dentist overview. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2008;26 (4 suppl 50): S121-124.
Subasi F, Mumcu G, Koksal L, Cimilli H, Bitlis D. Factors affecting oral health in children with cerebral palsy-Pilot study. Pediatrics International. 2007;49;6: 853-7.
Mumcu G, Inanc N, Yavuz S, Direskeneli H. The role of infectious agents in the pathogenesis, clinical manifestations and treatment strategies in Behcet’s Disease-Review. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2007;25(4 Suppl 45):S27-33
Mumcu G, Hayran O, Ozalp Do, Inanc N, Yavuz S, Ergun T, Direskeneli H. The assessment of oral health related quality of life by factor analysis in patients with Behcet Disease and Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis. J Oral Pathology and Medicine 2007;36;3:147-52.
Cimilli H, Mumcu G, Cimilli T, Kartal N, Wesselink P. The correlation between root canal patterns and the interorificial distance in mandibular first molars. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology And Endodontology 2006;102,e16-21.
Yavuz S, Toker E, Bıcakcıgil M, Mumcu G, Cakır S. Comparative analysis of autoantibodies against-Alpha Fodrin in serum, tear fluid and saliva. The Journal of Rheumatology, 2006;33:1289-92.
Mumcu G, Inanc N, Ergun T, Ikiz K, Gunes M, Islek U, Yavuz S, Sur H, Atalay T, Direskeneli H. Oral health related quality of life is affected by disease activity in Behcet’s Disease. Oral Diseases, 2006;12:145-51.
Cimilli H, Cimilli T, Mumcu G, Kartal N, Wesselink P. Spiral computed tomographic demonstration of c-shaped canals in mandibular second molars. DentoMaxilloFacial Radiology, 2005;34,164-7.
Ergun T, Eksioglu-Demiralp E, Direskeneli H, Mumcu G, Gurbuz O. TCRγδ (+) T-cell Response to Streptococcal Antigens in Patients with Psoriasis. Archives of Dermatological Research, 2005;11,536-538.
Mumcu G, Cimilli H, Sur H, Hayran O, Atalay T. Prevalence and distribution of oral lesions: A cross-sectional study in Turkey. Oral Diseases, 2005;11, 81-87.
Inanç N, Mumcu G, Birtaş E, Elbir Y, Yavuz, Ş, Ergun T, Fresko I, Direskeneli H. Serum mannose-binding lectin levels are decreased in Behçet’s Disease and associate with disease severity. The Journal of Rheumatology, 2005;32, 287-91.
Mumcu G, Ergun T, Elbir Y, Eksioglu-Demiralp E, Yavuz Ş, Atalay T,Direskeneli H. Clinical and immunological effects of azithromycin in Behcet’s Dısease. Journal of Oral Pathology Medicine, 2005;34,13-6.
Mumcu G, Ergun T, Inanc N, Fresko I, Atalay T, Hayran O, Direskeneli H. Oral health is impaired in Behçet’s Disease and associated with disease severity. Rheumatology, 2004;43,1028-33.
Sur H, Hayran O, Yıldırım C, Mumcu G. Patient satisfaction in dental outpatient clinics in Turkey. Croatian Medical Journal, 2004;45:651-4.
Hayran O, Mumcu G, Sur H, Yıldırım C, Söylemez D, Atlı H. Financing of dental services In Turkey: Opinions and expectations of dentists, people and patients. Journal of Public Health Dentistry, 2004;64, 82-87.
Sur H, Hayran, O, Mumcu G, Söylemez D, Atlı H, Yıldırım C, Factors affecting dental job satisfaction: A cross-sectional survey in Turkey. Evaluation & The Health Professionals, 2004;27, 152-164.
Mumcu, G., Sur, H., Yıldırım., C, Söylemez., D, Atlı, H., Hayran, O. Utilisation of Dental Services in Turkey. International Dental Journal, 2004;54, 90-96.
Diğer Uluslararası Yayınlar
Sarı FB, Akmansoy ŞC, Sırma NS, Kılıç Aksu P, Şişman Kitapçı N, Cem Kitapçı O, Köksal L, Karaçaylı Ü, Ural O, Mumcu G. The content of a dental mobile application for children from the perspectives of parents and pre-school teacher trainees.
European Journal of Research in Dentistry, 2023;7:53-58. (EBSCO)
Ayyıldız S, Hücüvvetoğlu Ö, Kılıç-Aksu P, Catar Ö, Kitapçı OC, Sisman Kitapçı N, Köksal L, Demirgöz Bal M, Mumcu G. Assessment of students' anxiety level and technology readiness in a simulation-based obstetrics training. Journal of Hacettepe University Faculty of Nursing 2022;9:264 – 273 (EBSCO)
Pala E, Emine Beyhan T, Kılıç Aksu P, Kitapçı OC, Şişman Kitapçı N, Köksal L, Karaçaylı Ü, Direskeneli H, Yay M, Mumcu G. Associations among work productivity, emergency-care utilization and individual factors in employees with chronic diseases. International Journal of Health Management and Tourism 2022; 7: 288 – 304. (Index Copernicus)
Mumcu G , Sırma NS , Akmansoy ŞC, Çandereli ZÖ, Beyhan TE , Aksoy B , Sisman-Kitapçı N , Kitapçı OC, Karacaylı U, Yay M , Kulak Özkan Y , Buchanan JAG, Fortune F. Satisfaction with distance learning in the post-covid era as influenced by learning environment, technological glitches and course content in undergraduate dental education. Frontiers Med Health Res 2022, 11(1)-1-11.
Dönmez E, Şişman Kitapçı N, Kitapçı OC, Yay M, Kılıç Aksu P, Köksal L, Mumcu G. Readiness for health information technology is associated to information security in healthcare institutions. Acta Inform Med 2020; 28-4: 265-271.(SCOPUS)
Kopmaz B, Kitapci NS, Kitapci OC, Bulu SB, Aksu PK, Koksal L, Mumcu G. Dental Websites as New Media Tools for Patients in Dental Health Tourism. Acta Inform Med (SCOPUS) 2019;27(2):128-132.
Sevimli E, Altingoz EN, Kitapci NŞ, Kitapci OC, Koksal L, Yay M, Aksu PK, Mumcu G. An Assessment of Health Information Systems Through the Perspective of Computer Engineering Students and Medical Students. Acta Inform Med 2019;27(5):300-304. (SCOPUS)
Iris M, Cıkmak E, Aksoy A, Alibaz-Oner F, Inanc N, Ergun T, Direskeneli H, Mumcu G. The Assessment of Contributing Factors to Oral Ulcer Presence in Behçet’s Disease: Dietary and Non-Dietary Factors. Euro J Rheumatology 2018;5(4):240-243. (EBSCO)
Mumcu G, Alibaz-Öner F, Öner SY, Özen G, Atagündüz P, İnanç N, Köksal L, Ergun T, Direskeneli H. Oral ulcer activity in Behcet's disease: Poor medication adherence is an underestimated risk factor. Eur J Rheumatol. 2017;4(2):109-112. (EBSCO)
Sisman-Kitapcı N, Bora N, Catar RO, Koksal L, Oktay I, Mumcu G. “Utilisation Of Dental Service And Quality Of Life İn Preschool Children”. International Journal of Experimental Dental Sciences 2016;5(1):16-22. (J-Gate)
Aksu PK, Sisman-Kitapcı N, Çatar RO, Koksal L, Mumcu G. An Evaluation of Information Security from the Users’ Perspective in Turkey. Journal of Health Informatics in Developing Countries. 2015;9(2):55-67.
Karacayli U, Yılmaz N, Bicakcigil M, Cimilli H, Yavuz S, Mumcu G. B-Cell Activating Factor Levels in Saliva and Serum before and after Treatment of Oral Infections. International Journal of Experimental Dental Sciences. 2014;3;63-66 (J-Gate)
Mumcu G, Köksal L, Şişman N. An analysis of oral health campaigns from a social marketing perspective. Galatasaray University Journal of Communication 2013:3: 53-73 (EBSCO).
Mumcu G, Ergun T. “Oral health and its etiological role in Behcet’s Disease”. Turkderm-Archives of The Turkish Dermatology and Venerology 2009;43(Suppl: 2):39-41. (SCOPUS)
Feryal Subaşı, William Hey, Gonca Mumcu, Leyla Köksal, Emel Lüleci, Haydar Sur. “Onset of smoking behaviors and participation in leisure physical activities of Turkish adolescents attending vocational health schools”. International Electronic Journal of Health Education 2006;9:81-91.
Atasu, M., Biren, S., Mumcu, G., “Hypocalcification type amelogenesis imperfecta in permanent dentition in association with heavily worn primary teeth, gingival hyperlasia, hypodontia and impacted teeth,” The Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry, 23, 117-121(1999)
Akyüz S, Mumcu G, Atasu M, Atalay T, Eryavuz M, Kızıltan M, Cimilli T. “Hemifacial Microsomia: Oral Clinical, Genetic and Dermatoglyphic Findings”.The Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry, 23, 63-67, (1998).
Ulusal Yayınlar
Aksu PK, Köksal L, Mumcu G. Dijital Çağda Sağlık Çalışanları ve Bilgi Güvenliği. RAED Dergisi 2015;7(1):16-19 (EBSCO)
Mumcu G, Köksal L, Şişman N, Catar Ö, Tarım M. “The Effect of Pharmacy Information Management System on Safety Medication Use: A Study from Private Hospitals in Istanbul”. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal 2014;18:1-4.
Mumcu G, Köksal L, Şişman N, Çatar RÖ. “The effectiveness of outcomes computerized provider order entry in emergency care department of private hospitals”. MÜSBED/ Marmara Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitisü Dergisi 2013:3:83-90
Köksal L, Mumcu G, Şişman N, Çatar Ö, Sur H. “The Use of Web Pages As a Health Communication Tool In Private And Public Hospitals” MÜSBED/Marmara Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitisü Dergisi 2012; 2(1) 14-19.
Mumcu G, Köksal L, Şişman N, Çatar Ö. “Continuing Medical Education and E-Learning for Health Professionals” MÜSBED/Marmara Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitisü Dergisi 2011;1(1)74-78.
Kitap Bölümleri
Uluslararası Kitap Bölümleri
Mumcu G, Yazıcı Y, Hatemi G. Disease Assesment in Behçet Disease: Behçet’s Syndrome, Springer 2020, 261-279, NewYork, USA.
Mumcu G, Yazıcı Y, Chamberlain A. Disease Assesment in Behçet Disease: Behçet’s Syndrome, Springer 2010, pages: 299-317, NewYork, USA.
Ulusal Kitap Bölümleri
ZÖ, Beyhan TE, Mumcu G. Sağlık Teknolojileri ve Değer: Sağlık Hizmetlerinde Değer Temelli Yaklaşımlar. Dünya Kitapevi, Ankara, Turkiye 2022
Mumcu G. Sağlık Kurumlarında Teknoloji Yönetimi: Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi, Editör: Doç.Dr. Burak Bekaroğlu, Atatürk Üniversitesi, Açık Öğretim Fakültesi, Erzurum.
Editörlük, Sağlık Hizmetlerinde Bilişim Teknolojisinin Uygulama Alanları, Şelimen D. & Mumcu, G. (Ed) Bedray Yayıncılık Ankara, 2011.
Mumcu G. “Bilişim Teknolojileri ve Sağlık Hizmetlerinde Kullanımı”. Sağlık Hizmetlerinde Bilişim Teknolojisinin Uygulama Alanları, Şelimen, D. & Mumcu, G. (Ed) Bedray Yayıncılık Ankara, sayfa:1-13, 2011.
Seçilmiş Projeler
Mumcu G, Aksoy B, Sırma NS, Akmansoy ŞC, Yay M, Karaçaylı Ü. Bilgi ve İletişim teknolojilerinin Diş hekimliği Hizmet Sunumuna Etkisi. BAP; Hızlı Destek Projesi, 2021
Hayran O, Sur H, Mumcu G, Gemlik N, İşçi E, Şişman N, Çatar Ö, Cevahir E, Zengin O, Şentürk E. Dişhekimliği Eğitiminde Mevcut Durum ve Sorunlar Araştırması, Türk Diş Hekimleri Birliği, 2008
Mumcu, G, Ergun T., Ekşioğlu-Demiralp E., Elbir Y., Direskeneli H. “Azitromisin Tedavisinin Behçet Hastalarının in vitro Nötrofil Fonksiyonları Üzerine Etkisi”. Marmara Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu Projesi”, Proje Yürütücüsü, 2003.
Direskeneli H, Mumcu G, Ergun T. “Behçet Hastalığında Azitromisin Tedavisinin in vitro IL-8, IL-12, RANTES, MCP-1 Salınımları Üzerine Etkisi”. TÜBİTAK Araştırma Fonu Projesi, SBAG-2342, Yardımcı Araştırmacı, 2000.
Hayran O, Sur H, Mumcu G, Söylemez D, Atlı H. “Sağlık Bakanlığı ve SSK Tarafından Verilen Ağız Diş Sağlığı Hizmetlerinden Yararlanma ve Hasta Memnuniyeti Araştırması”.
Turk Dişhekimleri Birliği ve M.Ü. Sağlık Eğitim Fakültesi Ortak Projesi, Yardımcı Araştırmacı, 2000.
Mumcu G, Ergun, T, Direkeneli, H. “Behçet Hastalığında Streptokokal Uyarı Sonrası Th1 ve Th2 Sitokinlerin Salınımlar”. Marmara Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu Projesi, SAĞ-46, Proje Yürütücüsü, 1999.
Seçilmiş Konferanslar and Web Seminerleri
EAOM Region 5 Webinar, Chair: Dr. Gonca Mumcu Region 5 Lead, 12th June 2024,
Oral Medicine Challenges:
Advances in Head and Neck Treatment Planning,
Pediatric Autoimmune Vesiculobullous Diseases and
Ehler Danlos Syndrome: The current treatments
Gonca Mumcu. Measuring Behçet’s Disease Activity. 19th International Conference on Behçet’s Disease. 06-08 July 2022, Athens, Greece.
Gonca Mumcu. The Role of Salivary Gland Ultrasonography as a Health Technology in Sjögren Syndrome. The joint meeting of The Israel Society of Oral Medicine & The European Association of Oral Medicine-Region V. December 15-16, 2022, Israel
Gonca Mumcu. Behçet Disease. European Association Oral Medicine Region 5 Webinar - Thursday 8 December 2022, 7 pm London UK, Zoom Meeting. Webinar
Gonca Mumcu. Informatics, Information Security and Privacy in Dental Education, 1. International Dental Education Congress, 14th January 2021, Ankara, Turkey.
Gonca Mumcu. Care Coordination Between Medicine and Dentistry Improves Outcomes in Behçet’s Disease. 4. Panhellenic Conference of Oral Medicine and Pathology in conjunction with First European Association of Oral Medicine, Region 5 Meeting, 1-2 March 2019, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Gonca Mumcu. Oral Health and Disease Course in Behcet’s disease, EAOM Congress 11-14 September 2014, Antalya, Turkey.
1.Özaslan G, Kiliç-Aksu P, Kitapçi OC, Şişman Kitapçi N, Köksal L, Mumcu G. Bilgi Güvenliği ve Mahremiyet Eğitiminin Etkilerinin Değerlendirilmesi, Uluslararası Sağlıkta Bilişim ve Bilgi Güvenliği Kongresi-HCS, 11-14 Aralık 2019, Antalya, En İyi Araştırma
Mumcu G. Yayın Performans Ödülü, Marmara Üniversitesi, 2013 ve 2004,
Mumcu G, Bıçakcıgil M, Yılmaz N, Karaçaylı Ü, Cimilli H, Yavuz S. “Primer Sjögren Sendromlu Hastalarda Klorokin Kulanımı İle Tükürük ve Serumdaki BAFF Düzeyleri ve Oral Sağlıkla İlişkili Yaşam Kalitesi İlişkisi. Romatoloji Araştırma Eğitim Derneği 2.lik Ödülü, X. Ulusal Romatoloji Kongresi 30 Ekim-3 Kasım 2009, Antalya.
Cited in Who's Who in Medicine in Health Care, 898; 2006-2007.